Part Two: The Celebration of the Christian Mysteries › Section Two of Part Two: The Seven Sacraments of the Church ›› CHAPTER 3: The Sacraments at the Service of Communion ››› Article 6: The Sacraments of Holy Orders
Questions and Answers
1538. Why is Holy Orders the sacrament of apostolic ministry? (CCC 1536)
Holy Orders is the sacrament of apostolic ministry, because through it the mission entrusted by Christ to His apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of times.
1539. Why is the sacrament of Holy Orders called “orders”? (CCC 1537)
The sacrament of Holy Orders is called “orders”, because it incorporates into the order (= body) of the deacons, priests or bishops.
In Roman antiquity the word “order” (Latin: ‘ordo”) designated an established civil body, especially with governing functions.
In Roman antiquity the word “order” (Latin: ‘ordo”) designated an established civil body, especially with governing functions.
1540. What is “ordination”? (CCC 1538)
“Ordination” is a sacramental liturgical act that incorporates a man into the order of bishops, priests or deacons.
1541. Why is ordination not a simple election, designation, delegation, or institution by the community? (CCC 1538)
The ordination is not a simple election, designation, delegation or institution by the community, because it confers a gift of the Holy Spirit that permits the exercise of a “sacred power” (Latin: sacra potestas).
1542. Why is ordination also called consecration? (CCC 1538)
Ordination is also called consecration, because it is a setting apart and an investiture by Christ.
1543. What is the visible sign of the sacrament of Holy Orders? (CCC 1538)
The visible sign of the sacrament of Holy Orders is (1) the laying on of hands by the bishop, with (2) the consecratory prayers.
1544. What is the first prefiguring of Holy Orders in the economy of salvation? (CCC 1539)
The first prefiguring of the sacrament of Holy Orders in the economy of salvation is the consecration of the Old Testament priesthood (Lev 8).
1545. What could the priesthood of the Old Testament do and what could it not do? (CCC 1540)
The priesthood of the Old Testament could proclaim the Word of God and restore communion with God by sacrifices and prayer, but it could not bring about salvation.
1546. What three OT prefigurings of Holy Orders does the Liturgy mention? (CCC 1541)
The Liturgy mentions the following three Old Testament prefigurings of Holy Orders:
1. the priesthood of Aaron
2. the service of the Levites
3. the institution of the seventy elders (Num 11).
1. the priesthood of Aaron
2. the service of the Levites
3. the institution of the seventy elders (Num 11).
1547. Who is the Old Testament prefiguring of the priesthood of Christ? (CCC 1544)
The Old Testament prefiguring of the priesthood of Christ is Melchizedek (Gen 14).
Melchizedek’s single offering as opposed to the many offerings in the Temple prefigures Christ’s unique sacrifice.
Melchizedek’s single offering as opposed to the many offerings in the Temple prefigures Christ’s unique sacrifice.
1548. How is the one priesthood of Christ made present? (CCC 1545)
The one priesthood of Christ is made present through the ministerial priesthood.
1549. What are the two participations in the one priesthood of Christ? (CCC 1545-1546)
The two participations in the one priesthood of Christ are:
1. the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests
2. the common baptismal priesthood of all the faithful.
1. the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests
2. the common baptismal priesthood of all the faithful.
1550. How do the hierarchical priesthood and the baptismal priesthood differ? (CCC 1547)
The hierarchical priesthood and the baptismal priesthood differ essentially.
1551. In what consists the difference between ministerial and baptismal priesthood? (CCC 1547)
The difference between ministerial and baptismal priesthood consists in the fact that the baptismal priesthood is exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace while the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the baptismal priesthood.
1552. Why is the ministerial priesthood transmitted by its own sacrament? (CCC 1547)
The ministerial priesthood is transmitted by its own sacrament, because it is a special means by which Christ unceasingly builds up and leads the Church.
The building up of the Church happens through the sacraments celebrated by the priest.
The building up of the Church happens through the sacraments celebrated by the priest.
1553. What does it mean that the priest acts in the person of Christ, the Head? (CCC 1548)
That the priest acts in the person of Christ, the Head means, that in the service of the priest Christ is present to the Church.
“In the person of Christ, the Head is in Latin: in persóna Christi cápitis.
“In the person of Christ, the Head is in Latin: in persóna Christi cápitis.
1554. How does St Ignatius of Antioch relate the bishop to God the Father? (CCC 1549)
St Ignatius of Antioch (around AD 100) relates the bishop to God the Father by calling him “the image of God the Father” (Greek: typos tou Patros).
1555. Which acts of the ordained minister does the Holy Spirit guarantee? (CCC 1550)
The Holy Spirit guarantees the sacramental acts of the ordained minister.
Apart from that, ordained ministers are not preserved from human weaknesses and sin.
Apart from that, ordained ministers are not preserved from human weaknesses and sin.
1556. Why is the ministerial priesthood a service in a strict sense of the term? (CCC 1551)
The ministerial priesthood is a service in a strict sense of the term, because:
1. it depends entirely on Christ and on His unique priesthood
2. it has been instituted for the good of men and the Church.
1. it depends entirely on Christ and on His unique priesthood
2. it has been instituted for the good of men and the Church.
1557. When does the ministerial priesthood above all act in the name of the Church? (CCC 1552)
The ministerial priesthood acts in the name of the Church above all when offering the Eucharistic sacrifice.
1558. What does it mean that the priest acts “in the name of the whole Church”? (CCC 1553)
That the priest acts “in the name of the whole Church” means that he, by representing the prayer and offering of Christ, also represents the prayer and offering of the Church, because the latter is inseparable from the first.
“In the name of the whole Church” does therefore not mean that priests are the delegates of the community.
“In the name of the whole Church” does therefore not mean that priests are the delegates of the community.
1559. Which are the three degrees of the sacrament of Holy Orders? (CCC 1554)
The three degrees of the sacrament of Holy Orders are:
1. episcopacy
2. presbyterate
3. diaconate.
1. episcopacy
2. presbyterate
3. diaconate.
1560. What are the two degrees of ministerial participation in Christ’s priesthood? (CCC 1554)
The two degrees of ministerial participation in Christ’s priesthood are:
1. the episcopacy
2. the presbyterate.
1. the episcopacy
2. the presbyterate.
1561. What is the task of the deacon in respect to the bishop and priest? (CCC 1554)
The task of the deacon in respect to the bishop and priest is to help and serve them.
1562. What is the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders? (CCC 1555)
The fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders is episcopal ordination.
1563. How can the episcopacy be called? (CCC 1557)
The episcopacy can be called:
1. the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders
2. the high priesthood
3. the acme (Latin: “summa”) of the sacred ministry.
1. the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders
2. the high priesthood
3. the acme (Latin: “summa”) of the sacred ministry.
1564. What three offices does the episcopal consecration confer? (CCC 1558)
The episcopal consecration confers the three offices of:
1. sanctifying (priest)
2. teaching (teacher)
3. ruling (shepherd).
1. sanctifying (priest)
2. teaching (teacher)
3. ruling (shepherd).
1565. How is one constituted a member of the episcopal body? (CCC 1559)
One is constituted a member of the episcopal body:
1. in virtue of the sacramental consecration
2. by the hierarchical communion with the head and members of the college.
1. in virtue of the sacramental consecration
2. by the hierarchical communion with the head and members of the college.
1566. For which part of the Church is a bishop responsible as a lawful pastor? (CCC 1560)
A bishop is responsible as a lawful pastor only for the portion of the flock entrusted to his care.
As a successor of the apostles he is also responsible with the other bishops for the apostolic mission of the Church.
As a successor of the apostles he is also responsible with the other bishops for the apostolic mission of the Church.
1567. Why is the Eucharist celebrated by the bishop of particular significance? (CCC 1561)
The Eucharist celebrated by the bishop is of particular significance, because it is an expression of the Church gathered around the altar with the one who represents Christ.
1568. What is the task of the priests in respect to the bishop? (CCC 1562)
The task of the priests in respect to the bishop is to be his co-workers.
1569. Why does the priest share in the authority by which Christ rules the Church? (CCC 1563)
The priest shares in the authority by which Christ rules the Church, because he is joined with the episcopal order.
1570. What is the task of the priests who are associated with the bishops? (CCC 1564)
The task of the priests who are associated with the bishops is:
1. to celebrate divine worship
2. to preach the Gospel
3. to shepherd the faithful.
1. to celebrate divine worship
2. to preach the Gospel
3. to shepherd the faithful.
1571. Where does the priest exercise his sacred office in a supreme degree? (CCC 1566)
The priest exercises his sacred office in a supreme degree when celebrating the Eucharist.
1572. What is the presbyterium? (CCC 1567)
The presbyterium is the sacerdotal college constituted by the priests together with their bishop.
1573. Where does the unity of the presbyterium find liturgical expression? (CCC 1568)
The unity of the presbyterium finds liturgical expression in the custom of the priests’ imposing hands, after the bishop, during the rite of ordination.
1574. Unto what do the deacons receive the imposition of hands? (CCC 1569)
The deacons receive the imposition of hands unto the ministry but not unto the priesthood.
1575. What are the five main tasks of the deacon? (CCC 1570)
The five main tasks of the deacon are:
1. to assist bishop and priest in the Liturgy
2. to distribute Holy Communion
3. to assist at and to bless marriages
4. to proclaim the Gospel and preach
5. to preside over funerals.
1. to assist bishop and priest in the Liturgy
2. to distribute Holy Communion
3. to assist at and to bless marriages
4. to proclaim the Gospel and preach
5. to preside over funerals.
1576. What is the permanent diaconate? (CCC 1571)
The permanent diaconate is a ministry that can be conferred on married men who carry out a liturgical, pastoral or social service in the Church.
1577. When should the celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders take place? (CCC 1572)
The celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders should take place preferably on Sunday within the Eucharistic liturgy.
1578. Where should the celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders take place? (CCC 1572)
The celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders should take place preferably in the cathedral.
1579. What is the essential rite in the celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders? (CCC 1573)
The essential rite in the celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders is:
1. the bishop’s quiet imposition of hands on the head of the ordinand
2. the subsequent consecratory prayer of the bishop.
1. the bishop’s quiet imposition of hands on the head of the ordinand
2. the subsequent consecratory prayer of the bishop.
1580. Which additional rites surround the Western celebration of Holy Orders? (CCC 1574)
The additional rites surrounding the Western celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders are:
1. presentation and election of the ordinand
2. instruction by the bishop
3. examination of the candidate
4. litany of the saints
5. anointing with holy chrism
6. to a new bishop: giving the book of the Gospels, the ring, the mitre, the crosier
to a new priest: presentation of the paten and chalice
to a new deacon: giving the book of the Gospels.
1. presentation and election of the ordinand
2. instruction by the bishop
3. examination of the candidate
4. litany of the saints
5. anointing with holy chrism
6. to a new bishop: giving the book of the Gospels, the ring, the mitre, the crosier
to a new priest: presentation of the paten and chalice
to a new deacon: giving the book of the Gospels.
1581. Who can confer the sacrament of Holy Orders? (CCC 1576)
Only validly ordained bishops can confer the three degrees of the sacrament of Holy Orders.
1582. Who can receive the sacrament of Holy Orders? (CCC 1577)
Only a baptised man (Latin: vir - as opposed to woman) validly receives the sacred ordination.
1583. Why is the ordination of women not possible? (CCC 1577)
The ordination of women is not possible, because Christ Himself chose men (Latin: viri) to form the college of the twelve apostles and the apostles did the same when they chose their successors.
Christ has come as the bridegroom (Jn 3:29). The male priest embodies Christ, the bridegroom.
Christ has come as the bridegroom (Jn 3:29). The male priest embodies Christ, the bridegroom.
1584. How can somebody who thinks to be called reach Holy Orders? (CCC 1578)
Somebody who thinks to be called can reach Holy Orders only by humbly submitting his desire to the authority of the Church.
1585. What is the state of life of the ordained ministers in the Latin Church (CCC 1579)
The state of life of the ordained ministers in the Latin Church is normally permanent celibacy, except for the permanent deacons.
1586. What is the state of life of the ordained ministers in the Eastern Churches? (CCC 1580)
The state of life of the ordained ministers in the Eastern Churches is for the bishops permanent celibacy while married men may be ordained as priests and deacons.
1587. What rules do the Eastern Churches observe when ordaining married men? (CCC 1580)
When ordaining married men, the Eastern Churches observe the following three rules:
1. Married men can be ordained as deacons and priests.
2. Once a man has received Holy Orders he can no longer marry.
3. Bishops are chosen solely from among celibate men.
1. Married men can be ordained as deacons and priests.
2. Once a man has received Holy Orders he can no longer marry.
3. Bishops are chosen solely from among celibate men.
1588. What are the two effects of the sacrament of Holy Orders? (CCC 1581-1589)
The two effects of the sacrament of Holy Orders are:
1. an indelible spiritual character which confers the power to serve as Christ’s instrument
2. the grace of the Holy Spirit as a configuration to Christ as Priest, Prophet and King.
1. an indelible spiritual character which confers the power to serve as Christ’s instrument
2. the grace of the Holy Spirit as a configuration to Christ as Priest, Prophet and King.
1589. Why can Holy Orders not be repeated or conferred temporarily? (CCC 1582)
Holy Orders cannot be repeated or conferred temporarily, because they confer an indelible spiritual character.
1590. Why can somebody validly ordained not become a layman again? (CCC 1583)
Somebody validly ordained cannot become a layman again, because the character imprinted by ordination is forever.
1591. Why does the validity of the sacraments not depend on the priest’s worthiness? (CCC 1584)
The validity of the sacraments does not depend on the priest’s worthiness, because it is ultimately Christ who acts and effects salvation even through an unworthy priest.
The power of the sacrament is comparable to light: passing through something defiled, it is not itself defiled.
The power of the sacrament is comparable to light: passing through something defiled, it is not itself defiled.
1592. What is the grace proper to the episcopal consecration? (CCC 1586)
The grace proper to the episcopal consecration is the grace of strength.
1593. Why does the bishop especially need the grace of strength? (CCC 1586)
The bishop especially needs the grace of strength in order:
1. to guide and defend his Church
2. to proclaim the Gospel to all
3. to be the model for his flock
4. to go before his flock on the way of sanctification.
1. to guide and defend his Church
2. to proclaim the Gospel to all
3. to be the model for his flock
4. to go before his flock on the way of sanctification.
1594. What grace does the deacon receive at ordination? (CCC 1588)
The deacon receives at ordination the grace to serve the Church in conjunction with the bishop and priests.