The Whole “Catechism of the Catholic Church” in Question and Answer Form

On this webpage you find a unique summary of the whole of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” published by Pope John Paul II. in 1992.
Here the complete text of  the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” is summed up in 2,893 short and clear questions and answers.
There is no other place where a quicker and shorter information about the Catholic Faith is available.
Click in the left column in order to access to any part of the questions or use the search-function in order to find the questions that refer to a certain key word.

Random questions:

108. How did the apostles hand on Christ’s doctrine? (CCC 96) The apostles handed on Christ’s doctrine by their preaching and writing, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
376. In what respect are man and woman perfectly equal? (CCC 369) Man and woman are perfectly equal as human persons with one and the same dignity.

Press the “reload” button of your browser in order to get new questions.

Preaching for the next 7 days:

30th Sunday (Oct 27, 2024)

1. reading: Jer 31:7-9
2. reading: Heb 5:1-6
Gospel: Mk 10:46-52